Posts Tagged law of attraction

Why wait for tomorrow?

Until you dream, there isn’t a destination.
Until you speak, there isn’t a promise.
And until you move, there isn’t a path.
A simple poem but is so true and forms the basis of many of the foundations I help people build to create a better life for themselves.
Until you dream…
If you have no goals, how are you every going to score and be successful? Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve is so important to living life to the full.
Until you speak…
Many of us hold so much inside of us and it is easier to let yourself down than others. By making a commitment out loud and being held accountable, you are far more likely to stick to it.
Until you move..
It is all about action. Even the smallest step moves you closer to where you want to be.
So this weekend, dream, talk and do something you have never done before or been meaning to do for ages.
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Does the start of Autumn mean your mood falls with the leaves?

So today is the Autumn equinox where sun rise and sunset are exactly 12 hours apart.  And then for the next 3 months, the day gets darker – along with my mood!

If you are one of the many people who struggle this time of year (like I used to) here is what changed my views and mood!

It’s the earth moving around the sun that causes our seasons and nature too is running a perpetual cycle:  Spring, always turns into Summer, which is always followed by Autumn and Winter always precedes Spring and so it goes on.  So the days will lengthen again and the sun will bring back warmer days.  In simple terms, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!  The days will get longer once more – so there is a light at the end of the tunnel!


But let’s go deeper.  Each season has a purpose.  Spring is about getting ready, a time for investing energy in preparing; ‘sowing the seeds’. Summer is about abundant growth – the growing of all the things invested in; all the sown seeds grow.  Autumn is about harvesting; the gathering in of everything you have invested in; a time to enjoy what you have grown.  Winter is then hibernation;  recovery and restoration so that Spring can spring up again.

By accepting that each season has a purpose and acknowledging that if this fine balance is broken, the whole cycle will fall apart, it can help you to view this time of year differently, leading to a different experience.


We can also learn a lot from going back to our Neanderthal roots – as in many ways we have not changed that much (less a bit of hair maybe) but our environments have and this is a big contributor to people’s unease in the autumn and winter.  Our cavemen friends at this time of year would be starting to slow down, they would be increasing the hours of sleep as the nights lengthened (and they had no electricity to do things by!).  In  winter their level of activity would decrease even more but just like nature, this was a period for the body to recuperate to prepare for the heightening activity in spring.

Many of us now suffer from burn out as we don’t have this ‘down time’  The invention of electricity has created a perpetual summer.  And in that hive of activity we literally overheat, mentally and physically.

So accept this time of year it’s time to start slowing down.  Allow yourself a different level of activity. Get more rest.  And appreciate the changes in nature knowing that in just 3 months time, we will hit the winter equinox and the days will start getting longer once more and you will be in a fitter state to ‘spring’ back.


Caroline Cavanagh is author of Anxiety Alchemy, and works with people to reduce their symptoms of anxiety.



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Have faith

Something happened this morning I am struggling to rationally explain.  Let me share it with you.

I walk my dog first thing each morning and usually use this time to listen to audiobooks. This morning, I felt at a low ebb – a friend is being very distant, a local trader is charging us 50% more than expected for a job, an event I am organising is not selling….. – and rather than plug myself in to audiobooks, I just walked along wallowing in negative thoughts.

I kept thinking to listen to one of the more positive books I had but was happy in my unhappiness!  Then something really strange happened.

My earphones were around my neck but I kept picking up sounds as if there was music playing so put the earphones on – nothing.  A few minutes later, same thing.

Then I was sure I could hear something and as I put the earphones on again thinking I was losing my marbles, I heard, “Have faith”.  I then walked for the remaining 20 minutes listening to a chapter on using auto-suggestion to train your mind to deliver your desires and how you need to have faith.

I use the power of visualisation a lot but had been losing faith and starting to believe that a friendship was over, we’d end up in legal proceedings with the trader, the event would be a failure….I had lost faith and so all the visualisation work was ineffective.

I had assumed that I had left my tablet on audible but when I looked at it, the only app open was the kindle app.  I had to manually open Audible, select the book and then realised that the section I was listening to was 7 chapters before where I had last bookmarked.

So basically, the tablet had turned itself on (not easily explained based on where the on button is), the app had selected itself, and gone to a location in the book that had the message I needed to hear – not where I had last left it.

People may put many different explanations on this; divine intervention, spiritual guidance, energy….My explanation – I don’t feel I need one!  My choice however is to have faith and trust my deep belief that my friend cares for me and is just going through her own thing on her own, we will resolve the trader situation amicably and my event is going to be a great success.

That feels so much better and for that I am very grateful.


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Overcoming fear and what is on the other side

I had promised to take my son to Thorpe Park over the school holidays as his reward for doing really well in a test.  As we arrived and we saw “Stealth”, a monster of a ride in front of us. I heard that little voice inside my head saying, “What the #### are we doing here!”

I enjoy adrenalin rushes and have been known to throw myself off things with just elastic attached to my ankles.  That was 20 years ago!  Here I was beside something that was over 200 ft tall, catapulted you from 0-80mph in 1.8 seconds and you could experience 4.5G!

As we stood beside it looking up, both my children decided they didn’t want to do it.  They were clearly scared.  My husband, having been the one who got the credit card out to fund this little excursion, railroaded us all into the fast track queue and within a few minutes we were at the gates waiting to board.

I was riding with my son and he was clearly very anxious.  The temptation was to both leave the platform and watch the other two but the gates opened and we got on the train.

I can tell you now – 4.5G is not very pleasant!

However, as we got off and my stomach resettled itself back to where it should be, I saw the faces of both children and they were ecstatic and asking if we could do it again!  My very wise husband then said something very powerful:
“When you are scared, you just face it and do it anyway because what is on the side feels so much better and you will never be scared doing that again.”

Such truth.  The feelings they experienced after that ride were 100x better than the anxiety and there was such proof that they were not scared of doing that ride again.

What was intended to be a fun day out was so much more.  They learnt something that I hope they will continue to apply throughout their life and always remember that there is something much better on the other side of fear when you are prepared to just walk through it – and when you do, you need never feel scared of facing that thing again.



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Excuses, excuses…or choices??

I was stuck in a traffic jam this morning and became aware of a feeling of frustration creeping in. A little voice reminded me of a little exercise in mindfullness and that as you cant control the traffic, use the time to notice things you would not otherwise have noticed whilst the car was in motion – ie enjoy the moment.

So I looked over to my left and pinned on the window of a shop were two flip chart sheets with the handwritten words:

Winners are stronger than their excuses

They looked like something a child had written, and stuck up with blue tack.

I really needed to read that message as I had been feeling very low about something that is not working out the way it should.  I had become aware that I was starting to give myself excuses to overcome the perceived ‘failure’.  And worst of all, I hate failure!  I was in a massive downwards spiral.

So thank you to the traffic jam as that opportunity to see those posters has led to the excuses being blown out the water and the realisation is that the only way I am going to lose is by giving up.

I am making a choice – a choice to believe that I am a winner and can do whatever I believe in.  I have made a choice, a choice to feel confident – and it feels so much better than the excuses!!!


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Gentle reminders …..

And another one….if you read my post yesterday, I had one of those ‘pokes’ to remind me of things that had fallen to the back of my mind.

Well, clearly my mind is having a bit of a spring clean as another one hit me today! As my son put his drink bottle (that he needed for school) in the fridge I said to him, “dont forget them when you go to school”.

Now I should know better! Our minds cannot process negatives – they just hear the positive. If you dont believe this – try to NOT THINK of a pink elephant! You have to think of it before you can get rid of it!

So by saying, “dont foget them,” what he processed was, …”forget them” and yep – I had a journey into school to drop them off an hour later!

I wonder what else my mind is going to be throwing up to reMIND me about that had fallen off the radar!!

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Law of Attraction

I had one of those ‘pokes’ this morning that reminded me about the Law of Attraction. If you have not heard about this before, you might use the word ‘co-incidence’ but I believe there is no such thing!

Yesterday I was talking to a client who mentioned the name of a colleague whose wife I used to know. It was a person I had not seen for several months and I wondered what she was up to these days.

This morning who did I bump into coming out the village shop?

So no need to wonder any more, a few minutes and catch up and a rye smile as I walked away acknowledging the Law of Attraction.

Have you ever thought of anyone and then got a phone call or contact from them a short time after….???

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Down in the dumps????

Apparently last Sunday was the day most people gave up on their resolutions and Monday was blue Monday –the most depressing day of the year.  This week, the most common reason people have contacted me is for help with depression. So time to lift things up me thinks!

Below are my 3 top tips to help you through the next couple of months.  They are not your usual sad-to-ecstatic in 10 seconds tips, they are the long-haul versions that get you to much better places!  So if you are feeling a bit low, scroll down and have a read!

  1.  Act like a Neanderthal!

Our biology is not much different to when we lived in caves (just a little less hairy…) but we have changed our habitat hugely!  At this time of year our Neanderthal friends would have slept a lot because there wasn’t much else to do in the dark!  They would also only be eating seasonal foods.  We have disrupted these natural programmes with electric lighting, and international food distribution which means we are not giving our bodies what they are wanting , leaving us out of kilter and imbalanced.


Ok, so I accept we all have to work etc but allow your body to run its natural programme as much as possible.  Go to bed a bit earlier, have lie ins when you can and aim to get more seasonal foods into your diet – it’s what your body and mind is craving!

  1. Trust that Spring is coming!

Everything in nature is cyclical and each stage has a purpose.  Spring is the time for sowing the seeds, summer for growth, autumn for harvest and winter is when everything withdraws, regains strength ready to ‘spring’ up again.  There is even a pattern in our day – first part of the day is getting ready, we are most productive mid day/early afternoon, evening we slow down and at night we sleep.  And then it all happens again!


By accepting that there is an end to the current phase means there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Daylight hours will get longer. There will be more sunshine.  Accept this phase has a purpose too.  The winter is all about slowing down, restoring and preparing.  So it’s OK to slow down too.  Do things that will get you ready to make the most of springtime.  Have fun preparing  what to do in the summer.  Most importantly, accept this is just a phase, it has a purpose and Spring WILL come!

  1. Up the vibes!

Science refers to frequency as vibrations and vibrations attract similar vibrations (Law of Attraction).  So when you are vibrating at a low level (ie down in dumps) you attract other negative things.  Have you ever noticed that positive people seem to be lucky – or are their vibrations just attracting other positive things?


It is relatively easy to change your internal vibration though.  Music is incredibly powerful – listen to music you love, sing, dance…….Pets are also amazing – spend time just stroking your pet and this will change your vibrational level.  Quite simply, whatever makes you feel good is your body telling you it is vibrating at a higher frequency – so whatever that may be for you – do more of it!

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Tip 8 for improving life – Expect to fail!

Sound crazy???
When you first got on a bicycle, did you expect to be able to cycle, or when you took your first swimming lesson did you expect to swim? – I think the chances are “no”! You expected to fall off and so when it happened, it was OK.
So when you start something expecting for it to go wrong is this less stressful than going into something expecting perfection? – I think so!
Often we get anxious because of fear of failure – the ‘what if’ gremlin comes to play! If you expect to not be perfect then the gremlin has far less ammunition to throw at you and it makes it much easier to focus on all the things that are going right.
Give it a go and let me know what happens

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Tip 7 for improving life – take imperfect action!

Take imperfect action!
Do you remember playing in a sand pit and not worrying about getting dirty? Or cooking as a kid and wearing more of the cake mixture than went in the tin?
We can learn so much from children as they dont get hung up on perfection, and so here is today’s fun challenge…..
Perfection is the worst standard to aim for because you are never going to achieve it, so it gives you an excuse to not do it.
If you aim for imperfection, you can do whatever you choose!
So what have you been putting off because you are not quite skilled/slim enough/rich enough ……..and on and on… do it perfectly?
Using whatever resources you have right now, just go for it – imperfectly – just get your hands dirty – and who knows, you may have fun!!!

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