Have faith

Something happened this morning I am struggling to rationally explain.  Let me share it with you.

I walk my dog first thing each morning and usually use this time to listen to audiobooks. This morning, I felt at a low ebb – a friend is being very distant, a local trader is charging us 50% more than expected for a job, an event I am organising is not selling….. – and rather than plug myself in to audiobooks, I just walked along wallowing in negative thoughts.

I kept thinking to listen to one of the more positive books I had but was happy in my unhappiness!  Then something really strange happened.

My earphones were around my neck but I kept picking up sounds as if there was music playing so put the earphones on – nothing.  A few minutes later, same thing.

Then I was sure I could hear something and as I put the earphones on again thinking I was losing my marbles, I heard, “Have faith”.  I then walked for the remaining 20 minutes listening to a chapter on using auto-suggestion to train your mind to deliver your desires and how you need to have faith.

I use the power of visualisation a lot but had been losing faith and starting to believe that a friendship was over, we’d end up in legal proceedings with the trader, the event would be a failure….I had lost faith and so all the visualisation work was ineffective.

I had assumed that I had left my tablet on audible but when I looked at it, the only app open was the kindle app.  I had to manually open Audible, select the book and then realised that the section I was listening to was 7 chapters before where I had last bookmarked.

So basically, the tablet had turned itself on (not easily explained based on where the on button is), the app had selected itself, and gone to a location in the book that had the message I needed to hear – not where I had last left it.

People may put many different explanations on this; divine intervention, spiritual guidance, energy….My explanation – I don’t feel I need one!  My choice however is to have faith and trust my deep belief that my friend cares for me and is just going through her own thing on her own, we will resolve the trader situation amicably and my event is going to be a great success.

That feels so much better and for that I am very grateful.


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