Posts Tagged insomnia

Does the start of Autumn mean your mood falls with the leaves?

So today is the Autumn equinox where sun rise and sunset are exactly 12 hours apart.  And then for the next 3 months, the day gets darker – along with my mood!

If you are one of the many people who struggle this time of year (like I used to) here is what changed my views and mood!

It’s the earth moving around the sun that causes our seasons and nature too is running a perpetual cycle:  Spring, always turns into Summer, which is always followed by Autumn and Winter always precedes Spring and so it goes on.  So the days will lengthen again and the sun will bring back warmer days.  In simple terms, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!  The days will get longer once more – so there is a light at the end of the tunnel!


But let’s go deeper.  Each season has a purpose.  Spring is about getting ready, a time for investing energy in preparing; ‘sowing the seeds’. Summer is about abundant growth – the growing of all the things invested in; all the sown seeds grow.  Autumn is about harvesting; the gathering in of everything you have invested in; a time to enjoy what you have grown.  Winter is then hibernation;  recovery and restoration so that Spring can spring up again.

By accepting that each season has a purpose and acknowledging that if this fine balance is broken, the whole cycle will fall apart, it can help you to view this time of year differently, leading to a different experience.


We can also learn a lot from going back to our Neanderthal roots – as in many ways we have not changed that much (less a bit of hair maybe) but our environments have and this is a big contributor to people’s unease in the autumn and winter.  Our cavemen friends at this time of year would be starting to slow down, they would be increasing the hours of sleep as the nights lengthened (and they had no electricity to do things by!).  In  winter their level of activity would decrease even more but just like nature, this was a period for the body to recuperate to prepare for the heightening activity in spring.

Many of us now suffer from burn out as we don’t have this ‘down time’  The invention of electricity has created a perpetual summer.  And in that hive of activity we literally overheat, mentally and physically.

So accept this time of year it’s time to start slowing down.  Allow yourself a different level of activity. Get more rest.  And appreciate the changes in nature knowing that in just 3 months time, we will hit the winter equinox and the days will start getting longer once more and you will be in a fitter state to ‘spring’ back.


Caroline Cavanagh is author of Anxiety Alchemy, and works with people to reduce their symptoms of anxiety.



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Managing challenging times in life

I recently went to a wedding show as it had been pointed out to me that many people in the wedding planning phase of their lives were struggling with stress, anxieties, insomnia, desires to lose weight, fears of public speaking…..and on and on.

I spoke to many people who wanted help with giving up smoking for their big day, phobias of flying along with many examples from the list above.  I have put together a video on my facebook page with the aim of giving some reassurance to people facing challenges in their lives that it doesnt have to be that way and there are things that they can learn that will make their memories of this time very different!  Please take a look:

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Sleep deprivation and weight loss

I heard a news clip on the radio earlier this week linking poor sleep to a number of conditions through from diabetes to premature ageing.  It reminded me of a colleague who promoted hypnosis as a quick way to get a face lift!  This was perhaps a rather superficial approach to a condition that can have very serious implications.

Approximately 50% of my clients come to me for help with managing  their weight.  Many of these people also struggle with having a good night’s sleep.  A quick look on Wikipedia ( provides a correlation between poor sleep and increased appetite.  A common piece of feedback I get from clients after their first experience of hypnosis is that they had the best night’s sleep they had had in a long time and it doesn’t take much of a logical step to then see how through sleeping well, they have more energy, are more active and more motivated to achieve their goals – win win!

Wikipedia also goes on to say that obesity can then lead to poor sleep through physical discomfort – and so the downward spiral continues.

So if you are struggling with weight management, think about how well you are sleeping.  Hypnotherapy could help you make progress in both areas and get you on the upward spiral – and who knows, you may even look younger too!!!

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Success story

One session with a lovely lady who had not slept for more than 3  hours a night for over 10 years. Her story in her words….

My Dear Caroline

I can not tell you the difference in my sleep pattern, and I feel as if I have more energy.
I had no idea the Arthritis in my hip was waking me, now I turn and continue sleeping.
Since my session with you I sleep much MUCH better, up to 8 hours. Not every night/day
is the same but I do sleep for at least 5 hour maximum of 8 hours.
I did think what you do is “mumbo jumbo” but not any more it was amazing and if I could
bottle your voice I would make a fortune the gentle way you speak was very relaxing.
I do go through your mantra as I get into a comfortable position relaxing eyes jaw shoulders
back and legs rarely to I get to the feet.
My husband says its likened to a switch that I sleep so well compared to before we met.
I’m sorry I haven’t returned the email before now but my life is very busy, but one thing
not worrying me is sleep.
I cannot thank you and Paul for this opportunity to correct this cycle.
Very kind regards
Julia Williams
Its such a privilege to be able to help people in this way

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